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Refund policy

Our refund policy is valid for a period of 14 days from the date of purchase. If you would like to to return a product within the 14 day period for a refund, you can do so provided that the conditions below have been met. Please note that if the period of 14 days has lapsed, we cannot offer you a refund.

Once delivered, the items ordered will become your property. Provided the items are damaged or faulty when delivered, we will not accept any liability for their loss, damage or destruction after they have been delivered.

If you require a refund, the following details must be met.

The product is defective

The product must be unopened

The product must be in its original packaging

The product must be unused

To make sure the above details have been met, all returns will be inspected. If the product does not meet the above criteria, we reserve the right to not issue a refund.


You have the right to cancel your order by contacting us via email **************

If your order has already been despatched, then we request that you follow the return policy criterea set out as above. We will only consider returns on products that are unopened and in their original condition with all packaging intact.

You will be responsible for the delivery costs and that the goods arrive in perfect condition.


Requirements for refunds for damaged in transit products.

Any damages must be reported to us within 24hrs of receiving your product. In the unlikely event that something arrives damaged, you must take a photograph of the parcel and also a photograph of any contents. Please be sure to keep all the original packaging including the outer packaging.

Damaged goods must be sent to us for inspection. Once checked and provided there is enough evidence that the items were damaged in transit, you will get a full refund, or we will send you a replacement at no extra cost.

Please note, we refuse to refund if the item has been over used or that there is clear evidence of intentionally causing damage to the item.

We reserve the right to not issue refunds if the damage is reported after the 24 hour period mentioned above.

We reserve the right to not issue refunds if you fail to comply with the terms of this policy.


To complete your refund, we need a receipt or proof of purchase. With out proof of purchase or receipt we are unable to issue refunds.


Only regular priced items may be returned. Sale or clearance items cannot be returned.


Any missing items from your order must be reported to us via email within 24 hours of your receiving the parcel.


If you are returning any item, you must do so at your own cost. You must ensure that the items are correctly packed so that they don’t become damaged during transit. If the items are found not to be correctly packed and result in damage, we may refuse a refund.

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